Above is the very well preserved example on Frankham Street (just off the High Street).
Sadly what I assume was a similar sign on the building opposite has been erased at some point.
Below is the example on Comet Street (opposite Elgar Close):
And one which thousands of people must pass every day - but how many have noticed it? This one is right on the High Street by the Deptford Project:

I'm sure these aren't the only ones around Deptford and its environs - please let me know of any others.
hey, hello there! Great post, and welcome to the rapidly-expanding pool of Deptford bloggers!
A great WW11 relic can be seen on the "railings" of the old down and outs home on Brookmill Road (not sure what it is used for now). Look carefully and you will see the railings are made of old stretchers, piles of these stretchers were left in the streets in the Blitz for emergency use. At the end of the war a whole pile of them were nabbed by someone and used to make the railings!
Thanks to both of you! I hadn't realised there were quite so many Deptford bloggers! Will take a look at those railings...
Hello. Nice blog, I'll add you to my blog list!
Deptford Girl
Thanks, like your blog too!
That is interesting.... Love unoticed bits of history tucked away and general dereliction... I'll have to look these places up
The iron railings (from made stretchers) are not alone in being used at Brookmill Road. There is another stretch of them along a side road on the way down to Greenwich, just before the underground car park.
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